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Turismo Bienestar

Assist Card

What will we do for you ?

In case of illness or an accident

An accident or an illness abroad can unbalance any travel budget. We will put at your disposal the most complete medical assistance in case of an emergency and will take upon your medical expenses. Our services also include medicines, hospitalization, x-rays, surgery, intensive care unit, etc.

In case you must continue your convalescense

If, after your hospitalization, our medical team prescribes that you must continue your convalescence in a hotel, we will take upon your lodging expenses up to U$S 1.000. *

In case you must transferred

We will transfer you to the medical center most adequate for your attention, either abroad or bringing you back to your country assisted by our highly trained in-flight intensive care experts.

In case of an odontological problem

If you suffer any acute odontological problem requiring emergency treatment, we will provide you the assistance of first-level dental specialists.

In case your luggage is misplaced or lost

Imagine your anxiety if, upon arrival into the luggage reception area, you find out that your luggage did not arrive with you! You will be given exclusive tags to attach to your luggage, which instruct the airline.
To contact ASSIST-CARD in case of lost luggage, through our computer network interconnected worldwide, we will record the information that, once your luggage is found, will allow the air company to deliver it immediately to you. In case we are not able to find it, we will compensate your expenses up U$S 1,200.

In case you have a legal problem

In case of an accident, local lawyers will assist you in the solution of your legal problems, and we will advance you up to U$S 10,000 to post any bail.

Your acciedental death benefit coverage **

If you are the holder of an ASSIST-CARD PREMIUM you are automatically entitled, free of charge, to an Accidental Death coverage (24 hours) for U$S 250,000*. For ASSIST-CARD CLASSIC holder this benefit is of U$S 60,000.

In case your documents are lost or stolen

Your passport, tickets and other documents will be identified with exclusive ASSIST-CARD stickers. In case of loss or theft, the person who finds them immediately telephones any ASSIST-CARD office to return them. Our efficient staff will as well assist you in the quick replacement of your tickets or any other lost or stolen travel document.

In case your flight is delayed or cancelled

In case your flight is delayed or cancelled, ASSIST-CARD will take upon your communications, food and lodging expenses up to U$S 150.00 *

In case your travel alone and must stay hospitalized

If you travel alone and due to an accident or an illness must stay in hospital more than 20 days, we will provide any of your relatives a round-trip ticket to keep you company.

In case your travel alone with minors in charge

If you are hospitalized abroad, we will also take upon the transfer of a relative to keep company to your children, or one member of our staff will accompany them back home.

In case you must return before of after the programmed date

We will pay for the rate difference in case you are traveling with a ticket with a fixed or limited date of usage and are obliged to return earlier or later due to your own illness or to a relative's death. The unexpected. We will contact your relatives in case of any emergency. Repatriation in case of decease. And help in case of problems of any kind, even simple unforeseen situations.

*ASSIST-CARD PREMIUM Card. ** Coverages hired through a local insurance company.

The General Conditions governing the usage of ASSIST-CARD are provided together to your card and are at your disposal at any sales office.

With the exception of Privileged Cards, pre-existent illnesses are excluded from the benefits. Special limitations and exclusions for people above 70 years of age.

Certificado de Sucursal Virtual
*Consulte condiciones generales y gastos administrativos.
Sanchez Hidalgo Viajes y Turismo.   |   Sanchez Hidalgo Viajes SRL - Legajo 3725 EVT Disposición 0150/97 - Certificado Alta Local Virtual
Sarmiento 819 - Piso 10 - Rosario - Argentina | Tel. +54 (341) 424-1174 / 2315 - Whatsapp: +54 9 341 263 8851| Email:
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